Saturday, April 7, 2012

I've guitar.......

yes, I bought my guitar..........I should start the post with something like "I bought my guitar!!!" with as many exclamation marks or put in in capital letters "I BOUGHT MY GUITAR!" coz I've finally bought a guitar for myself rightt.....but that's not how I feel now...

I regretted buying it from the moment I step out of the shop.  

After surveying almost all the guitar shops in KL and PJ via internet, I thought Woh Fatt music house in Pudu is the best choice to get cheap/affordable guitar. Geographically also very convenient. And yes, they have alot of guitar brands and wide range of prices. And the staffs are friendly and helpful.

Right choice of shop....but wrong choice of guitar on my part....*cry* 
So I'm here to release my feeling give some advice to the beginners (like me) who are thinking of buying a guitar on a budget, from the advice I heard, the reviews I read, and the experience I learnt.  

If you're serious bout learning guitar but on a budget, try something around RM200-500. For instance, the guitar seller actually recommended a Hofma guitar which he offered RM280, and the touch is really not bad, wood also nice. And actually when you try searching through the net, you can find these better-quality-than-the-100-something guitars at plus-minus RM 300 such as L.Luthier. But I didn't much think bout that coz my mind was filled with: "I'm on a budget, try to get the cheaper." "I'm broke after repairing my get the cheapest!"

So I didn't think twice and bought the cheapest one at RM145 inclusive of bag. Wayyyy below my budget and I should be happy bout it. It's the famous Kapok guitar.(If you get it from guitar shops in shopping mall, the guitar itself costs you 150.) A lot of people will recommend it as the cheap-and-quite-good guitar. well..better than the cheap techno guitars.

Now, someone, please smack my head and ask me to think bout long term, bout trying out other guitars, and it's not like I don't have budget for something like the Hofma guitar.......arggghh!!  

Okay, enough....for now I'll be contented with my kapok guitar. PTL!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Modern-day Noah

After learning a small part of the modern jurisprudence, amazed and at the same time puzzled by the theories of the renowned positivists, the logic, the criticisms, the debates, and whatnot....I find this article in Reader's Digest particularly humoring.

So God spoke to Noah and told him to build an ark.
(quote from Reader's Digest April 2012 edition) - "If Noah lived today..." by Nury Vittachi

Then came a man in a dark suit, who calleth himself the Compliance Officer. 
He said unto Noah:"All projects need stamped permits to make sure thou hast complied with ordinances. Is this a sole proprietorship or a limited company?" 
And Noah replied:" The Lord God Almighty spoke unto me and told me to build and ark thus." 
The man says: "Your partner will have to co-sign the articles of incorporation." 
Noah scratches his head," But He writeth only on great tablets which He passeth down to humans from mountaintop locations."
The man: "...What's your business plan, aims and objectives?"
Noah replies:" To save everything that liveth."
The man sighs. "Can we scale it down? No? Then specify assets. What does your operation produce?"
Noah pauses. "When the animals are inside, we will produce 4000 tonnes of dung everyday."
The man smiles. "OK, so you're a fertiliser maker. And liabilities?
Noah says:" The world as we know it will be destroyed utterly."
The financial man asks: "Estimated value?"
The question baffles Noah. "Thou canst not put a price on it. It's priceless."
The answer irritates the man in the suit. "May I remind you, Mr Noah, that no investor finds words such as 'priceless' helpful."
Noah says: "I will start on the paperwork thou requirest. Come back and see me in 40 days and 40 nights, OK? Goodbye."

As Noah shuts the door, the first drop of rain lands on the Compliance Officer's shoulder.