Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mi familia

Dau y Sew están casados desde hace 29 años. Dau es un señor simpatico y Sew es una señores bonita. Tienen cuatro hijas. Yo soy el tercero de sus hijas. Yo tengo tres hermanas, dos hermanas mayores y una hermana menor. Mis hermanas mayores estàn trabajando en Subang Jaya. Ellas son mas altas y mas blancas que yo. Ambas tienen los pelos cortos y negros, pero mi hermana menor y yo tenemos los pelos largos. Mi hermana menor está estudiando la ciencia en la escuela. Ella es tan alto como yo. Somos muy delgadas no porque comemos un poco, pero porque nuestras padres están delgadas tambien. Toda mi familia creemos Cristo Jésus.

I dun think I have time to touch let alone to revise on Spanish until the day before the Spanish exam. >.< I'm dead.


  1. Toda mi familia creemos Cristo Jésus.

    i hope i can announce it one day ...


    What a blessed family....

  2. tu escreveu um bom ensaio...Eu também quero praticar o meu português =)

  3. @ahlang: 救恩是以家为单位。神应许的。有朝一日,你也能这样宣告的...我们就一直为你家人祷告。^^

    @wangfang:¡Muy bien! Debemos estudiar bien un idioma.

    Anymore language? haha.

  4. haha...sehr gut.Ich möchte auch mein Deutsch zu überarbeiten.

  5. Saya hanya tahu bahasa melayu wahahahaha. My family believe in Christ Jesus as well!

  6. my family believe in Christ Jesus as well...that is English la...-.-

  7. Thanks for invitation! Hmm.. Saw this post again. Spanish is the 3rd most widely used language.

    Bro tonight burden us learn language good good. Mainly English. But not neglecting other languages like Chinese. And of course, Bahasa. Even better if can learn foreign languages like Spanish or French.

  8. Bro JL? haha...thanks for sharing!

  9. nolo.. in the English speaking Blending conference lo. Bro Ng Cho Ling.

    Today he speak a little more about Bahasa in Malaysia. He's making me feel that learning computer languages is useless since it only communicates with the computer LOL. Bad choice of study.

    Anyway, he gave us some statistics. Since this post is written in Spanish... Spanish is the world 3rd most influential language (English and French take the lead), and also the 3rd most spoken language (Chinese and English take the lead) in the world.

  10. Great, go learn a foreign language then!
