Thursday, January 12, 2012

Late review of year 2011

I'm late. It's almost mid of Jan 2012. But still I want to wish 'A Sojourner': Happy 1st anniversary! =D
It's quite a 'success' for me personally given the fact that I never write diary, lack of consistency in doing...basically everything, and I don't express myself well. But one thing for sure, I like to write than to talk.

For the review, I'd like to conclude the Learning post for year 2011. haha.
(i) 早睡早起身体好 - I think I'm quite on track in the 3rd quarter of the year. Nonetheless, 江山易改,本性难移啊! It's a total failure in the final quarter of the year. and I can feel that health is deteriorating. *sehr schlecht*

(ii) Schwimmen - Ich kann jetzt schwimmen! ..aber nicht so gut. Quite confident about this. I'm improving on it.

(iii) Kochen - hmm..I have evidence..

Sorry wrong photo I didn't cook any of  that.

Now this is the right photo..
Spaghetti edible only to PLXY + instant mushroom soup
Spiral pasta version 
chicken rice!
Now this is the best thing I've ever cooked - chicken rice! It was a sweet cooking coordination with Dr. See. The picture doesn't serve the dish justice. It was really tasty - the taste of the rice + the chicken. The proportion of everything was just nice! *schmekt gut* 

Mashed potato - so-so.
Quite satisfied with it. As long as I like it.
(iv) Guitar spielen - I can remember the chords very well and tried to play more hymns but not much progress.

(v) To gain weight - I got a 'D' for the effort and a 'F' for the result. I'm a living skeleton now. (I've always been a living skeleton.)

2011 had been a long year for me, from 4 months of my 4th sem, then 4 months of holidays, to 4 months of 5th sem. If not for the resolution we'd made before the Lord at the beginning of the year, it would have been a year of vanity though it's filled with challenges, happy times, difficult times, deceiving times...
He never forgets our resolution and consecration. 
19-11-2011 - Gospel work in Kemaman.
I'll miss the time we went together in small kancil and the hymn we made.
Now the beginning of 2012 wasn't as what I expected. It started with exams and farewells...can you believe it? =(
Anyway, for a whole new year ~
Phil 2:13 ~ Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before.

(sorry for the random German words here and there, they just popped out as I'm writing) 


  1. D for Distinction right? Haha.

    It's quite a good year for you (I think). I think I would fail almost every item (besides reading the Bible) if I were to review my year. Wait... Do I even have a resolution..? Hmm lols

  2. D for Donkey =(
    nah, u still have 'reading LS of the 4 heart books of Bible'?

  3. Oh right.. Okay.. 2 things then LOL.

    I think I've got F for my effort and G for the result.

  4. And btw, I believe the time of your blog is incorrect...

  5. Whatever, we're still in the same category - FAIL
    I believe the time for the post is correct but don't know why for the comment section it's incorrect....
