Friday, December 31, 2010

A blog without post...

This blog was initially created not be a blog , i.e. no post. I was merely curious bout the design of the layout of blogs so decided to create one and play with the designs...oh well, obviously got bored then and abandoned it...
Very irresponsible. So I thought I should utilize it, saving something which I'll feel encouraging and sweet when I read/look back someday.

Since it's the last day of 2010, what did we do in sister's house in last day of 2009 and beginning of 2010?

31/12/09, the sisters went to take 2009 photos in campus.
Only realised that we went to UM when I found this pic
On the 1/1/10, played board games at home + korean lunch with sisters from other sisters' house. (pics not here=( . )

The next day was a guitar learning day. MJ and I were learning the 2009 winter training banner songs with MJ playing the guitar. In the end, all the sisters joined and YR got each of us a guitar. We started to learn to play guitar with the last  banner song of 2009 winter training.

Yep, that's the first hymn I learn to play with guitar - Romans 16:25 & 27
"To the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen."


  1. yeah yeah..i am the first comment...happy new year in Christ^^

  2. God,
    actually i miss you all sisters,
    although i had a lot of feelings when i knew my result. But I never regret to stay in sisters house.

    Before i stepped into sisters' house, yes, i had achieved the targets i have set, earn money and pass exam papers, out with friends for dinner, shopping for my own stuff. but all the days are busy, live for my own, empty, and nothing special.

    I still remember the 1st day i moved in, a lot of sisters helping me, lol...

    My life had changed from stay alone into stay with at least 5 sisters in a house..from study alone , i need to learn in group study ... from take care of myself only, i gonna learn to take care of others ..

    The days still busy, but from that i realised
    ~ my individualistic strong
    ~ my laziness, didn't take care others feelings
    ~ etc... too much i can't count,
    from there, I know that i need God and those sisters, without Him, i can't be perfected.

  3. YR: *shout* Misssssss uuuuuu! When r u coming to meet us? See u in new training center. *wink*

    Pau: What r u doing now? Got exam last year? Miiiissss uuuu!

  4. Thanks ah lang. Happy school reopen tmr! haha. =)

  5. Ah Lang...happy school day reopen, YR, miss your voice too, Pau, i'm working in Penampang here currently,

    beside wanna share with you all something ,

    everytime when i saw saints are loving the Lord, my heart will be warmed and encouraged, when i saw saints sacrifice themselves for Lord's recovery, i'll be encouraged to let go myself and join with them together.

    May the righteous path as the light of dawn shining ever brighter

  6. Interesting. Nice layout btw.

  7. @Ten: Amen. Glad to hear that, sis.

    @Sophos: Thanks.

  8. Nice profile picture! :D
    May we all gain more of Christ this year! :)
