Monday, September 12, 2011

It's a bird? It's a plane? It's shuttlecock!

These few weeks I'm trying hard to refrain myself from digging news bout the world badminton championships match between Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan. Was in Sabah that time but got to know the result right on that night. Heartbreaking it near yet so far....sigh.....that's why I don't feel like reading all the news, reporting how sad LCW's just so saddening!! Dear all, please allow ah ma to tell you about the long story of ah ma's teenage life as a badminton fan.
(Warning: This is a lame story telling post.)

It all starts with Malaysia Open 2004 which was held in ahma's howntown. I went to the quarter-finals. The only 2 badminton players I know were Wong Choon Han from MAS and Xia Xuanze from CHN, and I was expecting a match between them but it did not happen. Lin Dan, Bao Chun Lai, Peter Gade, LCW, Park Sung Hwan, Gao Ling, Zhang Jun......I got to know all these names on that night. Ask me what happened on that night, ah ma can tell you in every detail.
First, my sister's friends, the pro stalkers, brought binoculars to stalk the players, especially LD and BCL, who were the top men single players at that time. Yes, the immature LD was already ranked number one 7 years ago., they, (I was an innocent teenage girl back then) came out with the conclusion: BCL is much more handsome than LD.
Then Xia entered the stadium! *shout* and he was playing on the court right in front of us! *SHOUT*
(A brief biography of Xia, he was ranked number 1 men single player in the world back in early 21st. The number 1 nemesis of WCH and the bronze medalist of Olympic Games 2000 in Sydney.)
Apparently no one paid attention to his game, three-quarter of the audience ran from the left seats to the right seats when LD marched in to play on the most right court.15 mins after that, LCW, an unknown MAS player at that time but he was the only MAS representative left in the MS quarter-finals, marched in to the most left court to play against BCL. The crowd was patriotic. Almost all ran back to the left seats to support LCW. LD left with no one to admire his 'show-off' skills, he lost his match to Park Sung Hwan. The innocent me turned to my sis's friend and asked:" Isn't he number 1?" HAHAHA. Till now I never like LD. *rolling eyes*
Oh, LCW vs BCL's match! I had no particular preference that time, just followed my gang, which was the odd one cheering for BCL. You can imagine the whole stadium was cheering for LCW and shouting "Malaysia Boleh!" while our gang 5 to 6 'little kittens' was.. “加油...鲍春来...”-ing. The crowd was so going to stone us to death. At one point, BCL was unhappy with the line call, and the crowd booed him (well, typical Malaysian supporters.). So we shouted "鲍春来....冷静..." LOL...I dunno who suggested that, but....I felt like wanna hide my face in a hole after shouting that... =.=
Anyway, we left the stadium right after Xia finished and won his game. That's how ah ma used to fall in love with Xia. HAHAHA. and began to follow the badminton news.

Joined badminton forum, got to know a bunch of badminton fanatic friends, followed closely the result of every badminton tournament.....and since time immemorial I became quite  super supportive of Malaysian badminton, consequently my emotion went up and down with the performance of the Malaysian team in badminton events. Stupid much? yea. But that's the life of a badminton fanatic.

(to be continued)


  1. High five! till now I also never like LD. LCW fan here! :) ehh where got badminton fanatic dun play badminton next time ajak u better come lol.

  2. Good to read ah ma story lols. Never knew ah ma crazy until emotion follow the inconsistency of Malaysian badminton team.

    I was a big supporter of Malaysian team then. I still remember how my friend was crazy over BCL back in 2005. She was my school team. But BCL never went ahead of star Xia and Lin.

    Later on I became more objective. I realized that almost none of the players in the Malaysian team were consistent in their performance.

    Okay, but now LCW is most consistent among all. But still loses to the formidable LD almost every time. LCW only beat LD like 5 times? while LD beat LCW >10 times? lols

    I don't like LD anyway.

  3. High five! We all don't like LD. *evil laugh*
    Yea, BCL is a sad case, he just couldn't rise to win big titles. Now with Chen Jin and Chen Long, it's gone case for his badminton career.
    The number of losing/winning times really doesn't matter, LCW is getting closer there! But he might never get there..he has reached his peak, and age is catching up now. sigh.

  4. Yeah LCW is getting closer. I thought he would win the previous match after his intensive training for netplay. Lose anyway. Close match though...
