Saturday, October 22, 2011

Paper Crafts (3)

I spent one hour to do this little thing...sigh.
Where did my artsy-fartsy instinct go? Ok, I don't even have it right from the beginning.

Guess... what is the above thing?
It SUPPOSE to be...... a flower, a rose.
Let me add some leaves to it.

More like it?

I found a previous same craft which I used less than 5 mins to complete...

...and it looks much better. At least more like a rose. sigh 2nd time.

All you need is leftover colour paper, cut them into small pieces of uneven shapes and arrange them into the shape of a flower. Super easy + paper/cost saving.


  1. lols. Well it does look like a flower on first sight. Haha

  2. Really? okay that's quite comforting, tq.

  3. Yea real. And what is the material used? Some reflective material? It changes color! lols

  4. Which one? The flower in the first 3 photos is of gold color; the last photo is in...err...rainbow color..

  5. Oh. The first 3 I was referring to. Gold color becomes silver, purplish silver, and greenish yellow!

  6. haha...coz it's reflective I guess.
