Monday, October 31, 2011

Sabah blending trip (photos from my camera)

Time to sort out the very few photos I took with my camera.
The 1st group of pics were taken at the district of Kuala Biah. There's the 2nd meeting hall in Keningau.

Misteri yang agung: Kristus dan Gereja!
 Out of 20+ saints came, half of them are children. The children presented a hymn for us. =D
"Ini kisah ku dan kidung ku...."

Sharing from local saints

Sharing from PJ bros

Nice pose, say cheeeese!

Photo checking - super cute
This was taken in Kota Marudu
The next group was taken at the meeting hall in Tambunan.

Teaching bahasa Dusun

Bad dog!! Always bully the other dog..
Buah pinang - a kind of fruit? I dunnoo..

The youths and children in Tambunan. Amen.
Enjoyed and touched by the testimony of the sister
Next few photos .........
Air terjun Mahua


Final group - Moo!...Desa Farm

very healthy cows 
 Check..this blog is privatised right...

Our beloved sisterss  =)

It's obvious - which didi we're laughing at....

 I'm motivated wherever I think of the saints and the Lord's move in Sabah. Sometimes I thought my situation is hard and do not know how to confront it. But whenever I think of the labouring saints there, I feel so childish to be overwhelmed by the insignificant situation. This hymn conveys all. (The newer version of translation is different, I want the older version)

Tuan, kami g'reja, kingdom-Mu,
Pengembangluasan, pejuang-Mu,
Dalam kingdom kami hidup,
Berjuanglah demi-Mu!
Moga p'mulihan Tuan
Cergas maju, sebar luas;
Kaki p'lita sinar
Terang di tiap kota;
Bah'ya, perit tak digentar,
Tuan di sisi kami.


  1. finally! was waiting for someone to write a post bout sabah lol. TAMBUNAN. :D I saw eriko ahah. I didn't get to go kuala biah and pitas sighh.

    yup gotta salute the labouring saints there. no easy life there. :/ btw, why were u all laughing at vincent again?

  2. Then why don't you write bout it? bout Tambunan?
    I wish I could write more bout the blending trip.

    Err..I think he couldn't get up, that's why we laughed.haha.

  3. Amen! Good post. I'm very much childish.

    I am strengthened.

  4. why wish? why can't u write more? yup I wanted to write too but I'm just too lazy haha. next time next time I will. :) LOL can't get up everyone go take picture.

  5. @Sophos: Amen. We have the pneumatic Christ as our Shepherd.

    @LP: It'll take forever for me to write more. Ok, I'm going to wait for that "next time".:P
