Monday, February 4, 2013

Paper Crafts (6)

Farewell gifts this time.

As you can see above, it's not really a craft. Just a bunch of group photos being put into mini photo frames bought from Taiwan, the stationery heaven. 
 Well ,we did hand-made something by making the transparent plastic cover for the photo frames....
and handwriting all the words.

The photos are a collection of all the blendings we went together for the past 3-4 years. 
Who's the receiver?

None other than our dear sis. J. 

Next is the 'fold' scrapbook that I'm been really waiting to do. I even jot down all the measurements of papers and hang it on my wall like since months ago. It's either I had no time or not enough materials. 

Tutorial video: 

From upper left: 
10.5cm x 8cm (2), 8cm x 8.5cm(4), 8.5cm x 17cm (1)

From bottom left:
5cm x 10.5cm (2), 8cm x 8.5cm(4)
(not in the picture):
the bookmarks -7.5cm x 7.5cm (2)
long strand of paper - 8cm x whatever measurement (1)

I like the index cards idea very much. It's so easy to do and neat-looking.

And everything looks more delicate when you cut round the sharp corners.
Please choose the colour combination wisely - mine's a bad example.

The base
Measurement - 36cm x 27cm, and draw 12 squares of 9cm x 9cm.

Cut out the shape of making a 3D cube.

Paste the pockets, cards, and colour papers, and start decorating!

Fold it into a 9cm x 9cm square scrapbook and secure with a ribbon.

A 'fold' scrapbook for sis. C. ;)


  1. Ahhh ahhh ahhh. First of all, nice handwriting xD Especially Sis J's name.

    Secondly, you have a very big heart and a very fine character. Mind telling me how long you took to do this? The scrapbook I mean.

    I thought the product will be a 3D cube as mentioned earlier xD Diden know it's a scrapbook tied up.

  2. Measuring and cutting the papers are easy. Decoration part took quite alot of time. Not sure how long coz I did it little by little, for few days. Btw, the decoration was not done by me alone.;)

  3. @Stella: Thanks!

    @Celine: Ohai Celine! <3 <3
