Friday, February 25, 2011


Thought about it.....after this sem I'm half-way through my campus life...ahhh!!! Okay, I'm now determined to learn/ achieve theeesee things:
Was watching my sis
enjoying in pool

i. 早睡早起身体好
I wish I can practice this consistently from NOW on. Alas it's a habit, it needs time... achieve it within next 2 years, possible? There was once the sisters in SH3 last time were motivated to practice this, 12.00 pm latest to bed and bounce up from bed latest at 7.30 am. We had mutual encouragement towards each other for that...err...1 week.Haha. It remains as a sweet memory after that......

ii. Learn to swim
Floating + moving = swimming, someone said. No, I want to learn to swim, as in like those people who move effortlessly like fish in the water and enjoy this exercise as a method to release stress....u know...
Duration: within this year! *finger-crossed*

iii. Cook an eatable dish...
This is to be achieved this sem. Cooking a delicious vege dish is also counted ma...I"ll not compare myself with the dearest housemates, they're gifted in cooking.

iv. Play a hymn with guitar
This is also to be achieved this sem, I've yet to choose which hymn. Oh, getting a guitar of  my own is also in the list.
That's ahlang's guitar

v. Gain weight...yes, it's part of the plan! I'm not greedy, a mere 2-3 kgs, can?
Duration: Asap.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Obsession with symmetry - Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal - Crown of Palace, was built by Shah Jahan in memorial of his wife. His wife made 3 'greedy' demands before she died. One of it was to build a unique building for her which no other similar building can be built in this world. The building of Taj Mahal was finally completed after taking 22 years, sacrificing 22,000 workers (the king actually chop off their hands after it was completed), and spending lost count of money.

Warning: Below is flooded with pictures. Please do not scroll down if u're not interested with pics which mostly can be found in google.
The security is very tight, body-check in the entrance of Taj Mahal.
Here we go...this is the main gate

A standard google pic of Taj Mahal, haha.

breathtaking garden in the courtyard

Cel and I
Every visitor is required to wear the red shoe cover (making us look like jugglers) before stepping on the building
... or u can take off ur shoe. (That's how Taj Mahal retains its whiteness, I guess)

We're not allowed not take photographs inside the building. Anyway, the whole building in octagon shape proposes the concept of symmetry with the tomb of the queen right in the centre...... yet the tomb of the king itself which was constructed by his son later after his death beside the tomb of the queen is definitely a spoiler to the concept. 
Optical illusion: the surface of the pillar looks uneven rite?
It's actually flat.

View of the courtyard from the building

The staying place for VIPs from overseas during Shah Jahan's era.

I shall end the post with....
The only individual pic in front of Taj Mahal....yet I smile until no eyes ==

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gospel preaching + gospel meeting

Participated the propagation in NDU for 3 days. We all felt that the students were really open, willing to listen to the gospel and most of them would follow us to call on the Lord's Name. That's one thing; being able to confirm with them to come to the gospel meeting is another thing. On the 1st day before going out for gospel preaching, a bro in giving us a lil background of the gospel move in NDU told us that gospel friends who are willing to attend the gospel meeting have high possibilities to be baptized. 

As laboring priest of the gospel of God...

...we serve God in our spirit... the gospel of His Son....

...for the building up of the Body of Christ.
On the Saturday evening (the day of gospel meeting itself), we're still preaching in the campus, with no confirmed contacts. The sisters met a seeking boy that evening at 4 and the brothers accompanied him and led him to the gospel meeting later at 4.45pm (the gospel meeting started at 5pm) - that's the 1st confirmed contact. So the clock struck 4.45 and we're on our way back to meeting hall. I thought it's time to call it a day to prepare for the gospel meeting. But my coordinate, a FTTND sister, was so desperate for the gospel that just 3 mins before we reached the meeting hall, she preached to a pedestrian (a young man) and invited him to the meeting. The young man agreed without hesitation and followed us to the meeting hall - he's the 2nd gospel friend. Besides that, there're also another 3 gospel friends who had joined our meeting before.

Obviously the above pictures are stolen from bro Ezra's album. opps.

After the concluding word by bro JL, the young man asked a question, something like "why people in this world keeps pursuing happiness?" Anyway, the young man was the 1st to be baptized on that night after his question was answered.
Then followed by the seeking boy- he's just so simple and open to the Lord.

Another gospel friend came after the meeting has ended. The sisters continued to preach at the back, while the brothers were shepherding the 2 newly baptized brothers in the hall.

She too was baptized!

The third baptism of the day.
The harvest is great yet the workers are few. There are many newly baptized bros and sisters need to be shepherded. Pray for the shepherding work in North Delhi.

A funny thing happened - When the 1st bro was raised from the water, as usual we sang with the guitar...
                                     "Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       (suddenly) ......................
*laugh* --> *look at each other* --> *everyone takes out their ipod, iphone, PDA, or whatever gadget*
When the 2nd brother raised up from the water, we sang...

                                     "Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       For Christ is now my life!"     =).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Campuses to be gained - NDU & JNU

Ok, back to churching trip. Visited 2 most famous and prestigious universities in India, namely the New Delhi University (NDU) and Jawarhalal Nehru University (JNU). The students there are the vessels to be gained by the Lord.

On the 3rd day in New Delhi, we were brought to visit the colleges of NDU. Their uni administration system is very different from ours. Every college has their own administrative bodies and you may find one same course in a few colleges but with different standard of requirements. This means that u have to file your application not only to the university but also to the colleges to which u're interested in and of course only if u meet the requirement, eg. got 98% (faint!) in a government exam for the application of commerce studies in St. Stephen's College.

One of the top colleges - Hindu college

The buildings and even the campus atmosphere are very much British-influenced

A garden in one of the colleges

Lecture hall? Reminds me of primary school classroom.
Selling books under tree....

They just like to lie on the garden....I wonder why....
Rays of sunlight - nice?
Actually......air pollution... ==
Breathtaking garden
The beautiful garden where we preached the gospel for the 1st time in India.

One more.
Sunflower pic taken by Cel in the garden.

The university where the leaders of political parties and successful politicians are produced. Also a huge and beautiful university. But the difference is that the courses offered are mostly for postgraduates, hardly any undergraduate courses. So the students there are insanely brainy people and they are not as open as those in NDU to the gospel. There's a living seed, a sister who had undergone FTTND pursuing master study in JNU. 

"traffic light" for pedestrian

us and sis Mt.

us and sis Wd, sis Mk, (sis whose name I forgot *smack*), sis SB.

Swan and Cel

Cel and I. Background building is the library of JNU.
As we're taking a stroll in the uni, we gave out gospel tracks and preached 1 min gospel.

Then we took a bus ride to the saint's house.
We had prayer meeting at night in the saint's house, as written in the previous post.
3 more drafts on the churching trip to India to be posted......