Sunday, February 20, 2011

Obsession with symmetry - Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal - Crown of Palace, was built by Shah Jahan in memorial of his wife. His wife made 3 'greedy' demands before she died. One of it was to build a unique building for her which no other similar building can be built in this world. The building of Taj Mahal was finally completed after taking 22 years, sacrificing 22,000 workers (the king actually chop off their hands after it was completed), and spending lost count of money.

Warning: Below is flooded with pictures. Please do not scroll down if u're not interested with pics which mostly can be found in google.
The security is very tight, body-check in the entrance of Taj Mahal.
Here we go...this is the main gate

A standard google pic of Taj Mahal, haha.

breathtaking garden in the courtyard

Cel and I
Every visitor is required to wear the red shoe cover (making us look like jugglers) before stepping on the building
... or u can take off ur shoe. (That's how Taj Mahal retains its whiteness, I guess)

We're not allowed not take photographs inside the building. Anyway, the whole building in octagon shape proposes the concept of symmetry with the tomb of the queen right in the centre...... yet the tomb of the king itself which was constructed by his son later after his death beside the tomb of the queen is definitely a spoiler to the concept. 
Optical illusion: the surface of the pillar looks uneven rite?
It's actually flat.

View of the courtyard from the building

The staying place for VIPs from overseas during Shah Jahan's era.

I shall end the post with....
The only individual pic in front of Taj Mahal....yet I smile until no eyes ==


  1. last one last one is the classical one like ...^^

  2. ok, that shah jahan or whoever-that-emperor-is's son is either not artistic, or he did not listen when his father speaks. Haha

  3. @ahlang: haizz...but me no eyes leh...

    @Sophos: should be both! haha. There're rumours that Shah Jahan later wanted to build a black Taj Mahal for himself but his son objected. That's y he imprisoned his dad and became the king.

  4. "The staying place for VIPs from overseas during Shah Jahan's era." also referring to me right?? hehe. I 've knew it. TQTQ. wink*

  5. @ cel, the VVIP from oversea during Shah Jahan's era: welcome...*swt*
