Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gospel preaching + gospel meeting

Participated the propagation in NDU for 3 days. We all felt that the students were really open, willing to listen to the gospel and most of them would follow us to call on the Lord's Name. That's one thing; being able to confirm with them to come to the gospel meeting is another thing. On the 1st day before going out for gospel preaching, a bro in giving us a lil background of the gospel move in NDU told us that gospel friends who are willing to attend the gospel meeting have high possibilities to be baptized. 

As laboring priest of the gospel of God...

...we serve God in our spirit...

...in the gospel of His Son....

...for the building up of the Body of Christ.
On the Saturday evening (the day of gospel meeting itself), we're still preaching in the campus, with no confirmed contacts. The sisters met a seeking boy that evening at 4 and the brothers accompanied him and led him to the gospel meeting later at 4.45pm (the gospel meeting started at 5pm) - that's the 1st confirmed contact. So the clock struck 4.45 and we're on our way back to meeting hall. I thought it's time to call it a day to prepare for the gospel meeting. But my coordinate, a FTTND sister, was so desperate for the gospel that just 3 mins before we reached the meeting hall, she preached to a pedestrian (a young man) and invited him to the meeting. The young man agreed without hesitation and followed us to the meeting hall - he's the 2nd gospel friend. Besides that, there're also another 3 gospel friends who had joined our meeting before.

Obviously the above pictures are stolen from bro Ezra's album. opps.

After the concluding word by bro JL, the young man asked a question, something like "why people in this world keeps pursuing happiness?" Anyway, the young man was the 1st to be baptized on that night after his question was answered.
Then followed by the seeking boy- he's just so simple and open to the Lord.

Another gospel friend came after the meeting has ended. The sisters continued to preach at the back, while the brothers were shepherding the 2 newly baptized brothers in the hall.

She too was baptized!

The third baptism of the day.
The harvest is great yet the workers are few. There are many newly baptized bros and sisters need to be shepherded. Pray for the shepherding work in North Delhi.

A funny thing happened - When the 1st bro was raised from the water, as usual we sang with the guitar...
                                     "Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       (suddenly) ......................
*laugh* --> *look at each other* --> *everyone takes out their ipod, iphone, PDA, or whatever gadget*
When the 2nd brother raised up from the water, we sang...

                                     "Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                                       For Christ is now my life!"     =).


  1. swt.. the singing part. Good to read this.

  2. Hahaha~ had a great laugh too. Thanks.
    Hallelujah for the laboring saints! May the Lord remember the shepherding need of the new born saints in New Delhi.
