Thursday, July 14, 2011


The combination of these 3 videos make my day. =D (have to watch in sequence)
First of all the most popular 'Surprised kitty' original video, with over 50 millions views. Cute greyish kitty with its cutest reaction plus the classic sound effect by the owner.....

Next we take a look at the same experiment carried out on a dog.

I seriously don't understand those ppl who commented "fail!", "the dog has no reaction!!", "Nothing happen!!!" don't you have any sense of humour?! I was basically ROFL (rolling-on-the-floor-laughing) when I first viewed this "surprised dog" video.  
I guess I've shown/ forced most ppl around me to watch the above 2 vids. Ok, today I found another classic one.
Tickled terrier snorts with glee! A Boston terrier has a very unusual reaction to being tickled. Here you go....

 Hope you have a great laugh!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

709 rally

Not a political post. Not really keen to follow the political situation in M'sia. It's just that after watching news, pictures and clips from the internet, I'm amazed by the talented Malaysian netizens of their photographing skills, editing skills, and creativity. haha. So here are some 'best(s)' in my list.

Best report by the chinese newspapers - Sin Chew Jit Poh
Best blogsite for 709 rally articles - 

Most dramatic video clip

Best original video recorded

and....Best edited video clip of the day.

Best photo of the day - all other photos taken by this same photographer are awesome.

Sin Chew's editor has great taste, hehe.. this was the pic chosen for the front page.

Legal wise, u can't fault the yellow team for the rally, (The lady is an ex-president of Bar Council ok...) backed by the Bar Council and the United Nations.
UN says Bersih clampdown undermines democracy
An article by Tommy Thomas Malaysia: A police state

Come to think of that, it's quite true there're a 'silent majority'. We're more exposed to information through cyberspace, but how about the many citizens who still rely on government-owned mainstream media for information?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

If... - Ambition

If I had not told myself that I hate biology,
If I had done some effort in studying biology,
If biology had not been my worst science subject,
If I had not been so lousy that I couldn't even operate on a frog,
I would have wanted to study veterinary.

If the Malaysian education system had been better,
If my school had offered geography for f4 and f5,
If people around me had not discouraged me to take the subject,
If I had been brave enough to choose geography during f6 and study on my own,
I would have been a geologist.

If I had not been so determined not to study science (which I dunno why),
If I had not been so 'kiasu' to pursue on my favorite subject - physics,
If I had been stronger in mentality and higher in EQ,
If I had been willing to work hard on that seemingly difficult subject,
I would have studied a physics-related course.

If I had not heard or seen the negative aspects of becoming a teacher,
If I had not deleted completely the option 'teacher' from my mind and in my heart,
If I had tried in the related field earlier,
If I had involved myself with kids much earlier,
I would have wanted to become a teacher.

Ok, I'm doing exercise for conditional tenses with 'If' as an indication for conditional clauses.
The Past Perfect tense is used in conditional clauses to refer to things of the past which did not happen. The other clauses are in the Perfect Conditional tense. (should have/would have + past participle)

Above are the 'If(s)' of my ambitions. They did not happen.
So my ambition when asked to fill in the ambition form during secondary school was...and...still is...
to open a pet shop or pet grooming shop. XD