Tuesday, July 12, 2011

709 rally

Not a political post. Not really keen to follow the political situation in M'sia. It's just that after watching news, pictures and clips from the internet, I'm amazed by the talented Malaysian netizens of their photographing skills, editing skills, and creativity. haha. So here are some 'best(s)' in my list.

Best report by the chinese newspapers - Sin Chew Jit Poh
Best blogsite for 709 rally articles - http://blog.limkitsiang.com/ 

Most dramatic video clip

Best original video recorded

and....Best edited video clip of the day.

Best photo of the day - all other photos taken by this same photographer are awesome.

Sin Chew's editor has great taste, hehe.. this was the pic chosen for the front page.

Legal wise, u can't fault the yellow team for the rally, (The lady is an ex-president of Bar Council ok...) backed by the Bar Council and the United Nations.
UN says Bersih clampdown undermines democracy
An article by Tommy Thomas Malaysia: A police state

Come to think of that, it's quite true there're a 'silent majority'. We're more exposed to information through cyberspace, but how about the many citizens who still rely on government-owned mainstream media for information?