Thursday, July 14, 2011


The combination of these 3 videos make my day. =D (have to watch in sequence)
First of all the most popular 'Surprised kitty' original video, with over 50 millions views. Cute greyish kitty with its cutest reaction plus the classic sound effect by the owner.....

Next we take a look at the same experiment carried out on a dog.

I seriously don't understand those ppl who commented "fail!", "the dog has no reaction!!", "Nothing happen!!!" don't you have any sense of humour?! I was basically ROFL (rolling-on-the-floor-laughing) when I first viewed this "surprised dog" video.  
I guess I've shown/ forced most ppl around me to watch the above 2 vids. Ok, today I found another classic one.
Tickled terrier snorts with glee! A Boston terrier has a very unusual reaction to being tickled. Here you go....

 Hope you have a great laugh!


  1. I was trying to comment but it didn't seem to appear LOL. Try again.

  2. Ahhh.. Okay, anyway I was saying..

    The kitty is really cute. and the dog is really == No respond...

    And I kinda pity the last dog getting "electric shock" for almost 2 minutes! lols

  3. haha...I pity the second dog more...
    Hey, I've successfully added the music player and changed the default music! haha.

  4. Whiie pity the second dog? lols

  5. Either

    It's a cool dog,
    "Owner, I'm telling u, no way I'm gonna act cute like that kitty!! I retain my pride as guard(?) dog!"


    It's a dumb dog,
    "Oooooo...what's the owner doing with my stomach.....*blink its eyes*...she says I look a monkey?.."

    Either way it's a poor dog. haha.

  6. LOL. Then the kitty must have been pitiful as well. Hahaha. Since its owner also says it look like a little monkey LOL

    The doggie video just tries to imitate the kitty video xD

  7. erm...the kitty really act like a little monkey la..;p
