Monday, March 28, 2011

Check on the progress

I cook today! (two weeks ago as in 7/3/11) My first time to do all the cooking stuffs, including the preparation, cutting, cooking, washing, and of course eating.
Swimming - proudly announce that I CAN SWIM!!! move horizontally from one end to the other end! That's the major progress throughout the week.

If u wonder what is's prawn....==

I've chosen which hymn to learn. "Mary poured out the love offering". weeeelll, the chords are so easy, C, D/D7, G, Em, and u can play the whole hymn. :p
Regarding 早睡早起 can u make it in a week with 2 tests in addition to the submission of moot bundle and preparation for the moot? Failed miserably.

Psalm 17:8
"Guard me like the pupil of Your eye;
 In the shadow of Your wings hide me"
Juat a verse that I enjoy today. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Garfield post (2)

Being wrapped up in the memory of garfield (LOL), I stalk garfield look-alike cats wherever I go.  Below are some garfield look-alike cats that I've met.

Met it at one of the R&R in
Met this one at the turtle sanctuary....
yea we're supposed to see turtle :P
Met this at 'ming tian' 
The innocent look of the 'ming tian' cat
On my usual walking route back from school, I met this female cat, a mom, which has 2 kittens similar to her.
The mom...
...and meet her kitty!
Every time I pass through the place, I'll try to look around for the mom and her kittens. And I saw this amazingly lovely scene one morning.
Among the bushes - can you spot what is in the center of the plant? 
How cute!
right kitty: ei, someone is stalking us....
left kitty: whatever....I wanna sleep....
The last time I walked to school, I heard from the cleaning auntie that they've been adopted by a cat lover. =D
Now everyone will know that I'm a crazy cat stalker after this post. :S

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Garfield post

People say there 2 kinds of women - shoe woman or bag lady. I'm neither both - I'm a cat girl! kakakaka.
Who is garfield? he was a very ccccuuuuute kitty 6 years back.  He looked like this, no bluff, he really USED to look as cute as this ( I can't find his cute pic in this comp) -->

and then he has grown up to annoying cat.( found lots of the annoying pics instead)
*proud face*
A big fat cat

6 years ago, he was found one day by my parents when they were taking stroll in the park in the evening. The blue-eyed, covered with puffy golden fur, and a long-puffy-tailed kitty ran towards my mom and was meow-ing at her.(Apparently, someone deliberately abandoned him in the park) My mom was like:" how can I resist such adorable kitty!" So he was kidnapped home. He was then named garfield because.........he looks like garfield lo.
He grew as a normal male cat and conquered the territory in our residential area (the cat's world la). One day my neighbor found 3 new born kittens in her house compound and 1 of it looks exactly like garfield. The neighbor then kept garfield's son as their pet and call him 'xiao mai'.

What is this little thing that looks like me? *sniff*
like father like son
okay.....this is my son.
bluekkk...this doesn't look like me. (it looks like the mom)

From left: xiao mai (garfield's son), xiao hu (also his son but r.i.p. very young),
and garfield himself
Pris was holding the grown up Xiao Mai 
One of the unique/weird characteristics bout garfield is that he actually wag his tail, like a dog, especially when u call his name. Pris recorded a short video bout that few months before garfield went missing.

When we moved our house 1 1/2 years ago, my parents decided to give him away after considering many factors. Approximately two months after that, the new owner told us that he went missing and never come back anymore........and everyone misses him....... 

This is a brief biography of my garfield! =)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stand firm in truth

On a breezy evening I was home alone. 'Ding Dong...' Excited me rushed to the door to welcome any sis coming back or unexpected guests from other sis houses...(I needa stop this primary-school-essay-writing style)...

Three persons came to do survey. The survey form listed a few questions in relation to Bible and a frightening question bout god the mother. Only realise who they are when I saw that question coz I've heard from sis OL before. Tried to excuse myself after that but they insisted to let me see a vid. (Was really scared the poison will be injected into me). Anyway, it was a jaw-dropping vid on how they come into conclusion that there's god the mother. O_o
Then one of them tried to point out the bible verses especially Gen 1:26, Rev 22:17, Heb 9:28, and Gal 4 to say that there're 2 gods, Triune God is only one God and there's another god the mother. The Spirit and the bride are 2 entities and that the bride cannot be the church because we're all sinners, according to them. Most shocking is that how the Lord's first coming born in a believer's house and the second coming in unbeliever's house...bla bla bla....getting more and more heretic... On one hand I kept calling on the Lord's name deep within me and on the other hand realise how much I need to be equipped and firm in truth.

I did not react at the beginning, ie no nodding or kept silent when one of them asked me to read the bible verse to 'prove' god the mother, that they thought I couldn't understand and wanted to explain more and I tried to stop them by throwing out:" I cannot accept this." Failing to convince bout that they went on to other things....which totally contradict with the truth, especially the book of Eph.

Believing in 2 gods is definitely a heresy, yet they are so sure that they believe in Jesus and their misinterpretation of verses. Talking bout zealous, they're foreigners coming to this hot and humid country for their religion's sake claiming themselves to be christians.......sadly what is said is not gospel........