Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Garfield post (2)

Being wrapped up in the memory of garfield (LOL), I stalk garfield look-alike cats wherever I go.  Below are some garfield look-alike cats that I've met.

Met it at one of the R&R in Malaysia.lol.
Met this one at the turtle sanctuary....
yea we're supposed to see turtle :P
Met this at 'ming tian' 
The innocent look of the 'ming tian' cat
On my usual walking route back from school, I met this female cat, a mom, which has 2 kittens similar to her.
The mom...
...and meet her kitty!
Every time I pass through the place, I'll try to look around for the mom and her kittens. And I saw this amazingly lovely scene one morning.
Among the bushes - can you spot what is in the center of the plant? 
How cute!
right kitty: ei, someone is stalking us....
left kitty: whatever....I wanna sleep....
The last time I walked to school, I heard from the cleaning auntie that they've been adopted by a cat lover. =D
Now everyone will know that I'm a crazy cat stalker after this post. :S


  1. Oh yes a really crazy one indeed.. lols

  2. why only stalk garfield look-alike cats? so biased lol. the 2nd last picture super cute. :D

  3. @Sophos: lalalalalala....

    @Leon: stalk them coz they look like the missing garfield ma..

  4. not like u stalk them then garfield will come back. -.- outside my hse also got a few cats look like him. next time I help u stalk kayy lol.
    aihz crazy cat stalker. tsk tsk tsk. :P

  5. still cannot understand y leon say second photo super cute.==..suppose the last three photo , rite ..? Pauline rite?? (force pauline to agree on my statement...hahaha)

    i wonder what is yr next post content...Garfield (3) ?? lolz

  6. this xueying ah....people said SECOND LAST PHOTO...not second photo -.- even u want to force pauline to agree on u also not use :P i think u need a new specs ^^

  7. oh Lord oh Lord...
    i think i lack of sleep ...>.<
    lolzzz (blame not enough sleep pula)

    my prob ...chu xing da yi...

    okok..i will take note =.='''
    (diu mian diu dao jia)

  8. err...no garfield post (3) la...enough of garfield cats ady, if not this blog will become the garfield cats blog.

  9. Just like how aHlanG blog become Proof without Words blog? LOL
