Monday, March 28, 2011

Check on the progress

I cook today! (two weeks ago as in 7/3/11) My first time to do all the cooking stuffs, including the preparation, cutting, cooking, washing, and of course eating.
Swimming - proudly announce that I CAN SWIM!!! move horizontally from one end to the other end! That's the major progress throughout the week.

If u wonder what is's prawn....==

I've chosen which hymn to learn. "Mary poured out the love offering". weeeelll, the chords are so easy, C, D/D7, G, Em, and u can play the whole hymn. :p
Regarding 早睡早起 can u make it in a week with 2 tests in addition to the submission of moot bundle and preparation for the moot? Failed miserably.

Psalm 17:8
"Guard me like the pupil of Your eye;
 In the shadow of Your wings hide me"
Juat a verse that I enjoy today. 


  1. Yes we know that (referring to prawns).

    You missed out gaining weight btw lols

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. gaining weight arr....last week when I measured...I've gained almost 1 kg? HAHAHA..unbelievable.

  4. Wonder your weighing scale got error anot. I measured last week I gained 5kg. Definitely wrong. Wonder how that weighing machine get Sirim approval lols.

  5. Mine is digital de, should be ok. Yours one sure got error la, 5 kgs??

  6. lols. The 1 I used is at sj sisters' house analogue wan lols. At sj brothers' house I weight is still at 49.5kg swtdao..
